Then you need to search through one of our bibliographic databases.
But first, have you had a look at our subject guides?
Bibliographic databases at the Tavistock and Portman
Here is a list of all the databases you can access thanks to the Tavistock library.
And here is a quick reminder of how to access them:
Many of those databases are hosted through the same platform: EBSCOhost. Below you will find help to use this platform effectively to find the documents you need.
To access those different databases, you will often need your Shibboleth login: here is some help about it.
Here is a video showing how to do a good but simple literature search, just as I teach it in class:
About EBSCOhost
- Basic search on EBSCOhost (a video)
- Advanced search on EBSCOhost (a video)
- How to set up your EBSCOhost account to save articles and searches (a presentation)
- Creating journal alerts (a video)
- Creating search alerts (a video)
- Setting up an RSS feed from a search (a presentation)
About PsycINFO:
- PsycINFO pocket guide (PDF, very short introduction to PsycINFO)
- PsycINFO user guide (a bit longer, quite complete guide)
- For advanced user, here is a guide to PsycINFO's most interesting search fields (PDF)
Some advanced features
- Using geographical limiters to refine your search
- Using Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT)
The Literature Review
Are you doing a literature search because you need to write a literature review for your thesis or dissertation?Have a look at this page to learn what is a literature review.
Here are some great links for you to learn more on this topic.